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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 7 of Absolutely No Ranch Whatsoever

Day 7 of Absolutely No Ranch Whatsoever
Well this marks the 7th day of my absolutely no ranch whatsoever month, plus my absolutely nothing but water to drink 7th day!! Its been hard, I am talking really really hard. I really love Ranch, its like a sin to me how much I think about it. I eat Ranch on everything, and I mean everything. I am talking Hamburgers, Hot dogs, Sandwhiches, tacos, and everything else that is edible. I even sometimes put it in my Ramen Noodles. I know sick right?? But it just tastes soo good. I love ranch!! No other way to put it I just love ranch!

However while I  have been reading Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst (Click here if you wanna check out her awesome blog, which I totally think you should) she really points out deep to the core of what we crave instead of God. I mean this healthy life is more then just what will I look like when I look at the scale, its about how I identify myself and how I feel that God views me.  Its like this with my ranch, I think about it late at night and I start thinking what can eat with it,  : / pretty pathetic right?? Well Lysa Terkeurst showed something that was totally bothersome to me but in a good way. It goes back to the verse Matthew 19:21 in which says "If you want to be perfect [whole], go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me" Soo pretty much Jesus is looking at me saying "I want you to give up the one thing you crave more than me. Then come, follow me"(Thanks Lysa for pointing these things out).

Hmm  well what do I do to my body that is totally awful yep eat about 1,000 calories a day which is holding me back from everything I want to be for myself, my husband, my daughter, and God. So I started this Absolutely No Ranch Whatsoever Month, then on April 1st I may start eating it again, but it will be Lite Ranch and totally in moderations. Ranch is my comfort food, but I need to take comfort in God and not Ranch.  Here is a verse that I tell myself everytime I have an urge to eat Ranch "Everything is permissible-but not everything is beneficial" (1 Corinthians 10:23).

I love what Lysa says on page 16 of Made to Crave ---"God made us capable of craving so we'd have an unquenchable desire for more of Him, and Him alone. Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only one capable of satisfying them."

---Umm I love this, don't you!!

As I keep reading Made to Crave I will keep writing about it. If you haven't got your copy of Made to Crave  then make sure to click here and check out all the tools you will need to start this journey!! Thank you Dallas for getting me this book!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Blogging more...I believe I will.

I believe I am gonna start blogging more. It always help when I do. I feel like I can get more out. Right now I am reading Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst in which her blog is just great. I can't wait to read more of her books. I am absolutely sucked in and excited for once about my weight loss journey. So far I have lost 2 lbs in a week. Its not a lot but its def. a start. I have decided that I am gonna blog like every day. I am for real about this because this is my time to relax and really just have a break and express myself. I am excited to see more and more of my mommy friends start to blog. I love reading blogs. Right now me and Addison are just miserably sick and it totally sucks. I really hope we start feeling better before Unleash on Thursday. I can't wait to go, it will be great fun!! : ) Well I must now  endulge myself in my school that is once again late due to something happening..blah. I can't wait til next week is over and then I have two weeks of school off. Then only 4 classes left until I have my Associates Degree!! : )

Friday, March 4, 2011

My one year Freedom Church Anniversary

A year ago this weekend I walked into the doors of North Cobb High School to attend services at Freedom Church. Who knew that my life would change so much in a year? Who knew how much God would change my heart in a year? I have always grown up in church my entire life but in the year before attending Freedom I just didn't care about church, I still cared about God but I didn't really care about him. I wanted to raise my daughter in church but I just couldn't find the church where I felt I had a calling to be in or where God really wanted me to be. I really wasn't even trying that hard though, until a friend of mine Tyler kept mentioning to me about this church called Freedom.  So I decided to try it out, in which was a turning point in my life. I started attending Freedom and began to fill not only the love from the people around me towards others but also the passion that they had for God. The passion that was surrounding me for those who are from God to experience life in Christ. I couldn't wait to jump on board and start partnering, I couldn't believe how welcoming everyone was and how much I enjoyed be with the kids. I loved going in every Sunday at 8 am setting up pipe and drape and laying down floors, knowing that I could make an impact on childs life and that they may know who Jesus was. Not only was I finding my passion and calling, I was also understand more about God's grace and love. I was finally understanding it all, and with this I was really yearning for more. I started reading my bible and actually enjoying Christian books. I have found an amazing group of ladies their who I consider my close friends and prayer partners. I know that if I ever need one of them to pray for me about something that they won't judge me whatsoever. They have proved this time and time again. I am so excited about what God has done in my life and Addisons life this past year at Freedom. I can't imagine what he has in store for the next year!! I really just can't say anything except thank you Lord for Freedom Church!