** I tend to babble alot in here lol*
This Christmas is not like any other for me.
This Christmas is much more then any other before.
Addison actually knows what is going on with Santa and is soooo excited. I catch her singing Christmas songs and always saying "its Christmas time momma" smiling with that million dollar smile. Now who can't smile to that : ). I love Christmas more then anyone, well maybe not my momma haha. She has always went crazy over Christmas in which has instilled upon me to do the same considering I just love every single decoration possible. I mean my house right now looks like Santa threw up. : ) I love it that way!! I can't wait for Christmas morning when Addison sees Santa has left her presents under the tree and taken bites out of the cookies she has made for him lol. Its going to be amazing and I love every bit of it, however I dont want her to think its only about Santa and presents. I dont want her to think its only about the Christmas tree and the lights. I want her to know the real meaning of Christmas in which I am just now really understanding myself.

Its not just the giving presents part in which is a huge part, but its something so much more. Its about the night that the world was given the greatest gift of all. I really always just heard the story of Jesus being born on Christmas but didnt really understand the greatness of it. I mean to me it was always just the day Jesus was born, and that was it. However in the recent months of becoming closer to God my heart has shown me its sooo much more. I catch myself crying to songs about Jesus being born. It wasn't just that it was the GREATEST gift that was ever given to humanity. It was God's gift to us who doesn't deserve anything more then hell itself. However God sent his son to be born to save us. God gave his only son, I couldn't imagine giving my addison up for all these sinners. However thats another way of God showing his love for us once again. He knew that night when that little boy was born who he was going to be and what his life would hold. I look at that little baby in the manger so differently now. It's so different this year because I am starting to understand his real love and his grace and how amazing they are. I am really starting to fall in love with him. Like to be able to think of what it would have been like to be the drummer boy that night playing his drum for him, or how about being the wise men in which brought him beautiful gifts because they knew this baby boy was something special.
But what about being Mary who was unmarried and now carrying the Holy Son of God. What an unbelievable thing God would give to someone. I mean could you imagine looking on that childs face, not thinking oh you are gonna be a great man of God, but you are the Son of God. I mean that would be HUGE to face and deal with. I just could not imagine the way it felt for the angel to come and tell her she was going to be carrying the greatest gift of all. What a great guy Joseph was to believe that this was real and she wasn't just pregnant by someone else. These two had real faith and are pretty amazing.I wish I could have witnessed somethings in the bible first hand bc I bet they were so amazing.
However, Its so much more exciting this year to be something so much more.
When me and my sisters were little my mom and dad would always read us the first Christmas story every Christmas eve in the cutest pop-up book ever. I still remember that book and now understanding everything and how great it really is, I want to do the same for Addison. I want her to understand how wonderful this Holiday is and how much more it is then just getting a pink dollhouse or about the man in the red suit!!
Soo This Christmas is so much more then any other before.
Merry Christmas Everyone and sorry if I bored you to death..lol.