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Monday, August 23, 2010

I think potty training is of the Devil....

So I wake up this morning and decided that this is it I am gonna get Addison potty trained. Its probably gonna be easy right? Yeah right!! Ha thats a joke!! I have tried before but now I am gonna get concentrated and really do this!! So we have a pack of Dora panties and she has went through every single one of them today. Its like she puts them on and she is all excited but she won't tell me until after she has peed or when she is peeing that she has to go.   Its kinda frustrating, but it has to be done. I mean its gonna be hard really hard. I have decided she is only gonna wear pull ups when we go outside of the house and during night time and nap time. This is it I am Potty Training my two year old. ugh. Yeah I think potty training is of the Devil for sure. However I shall prevail, haha. Lord help me!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's not about me..It's about him

Every single day I live I think am I doing something wrong? Is God disappointed in me? Have I done enough to be an amazing Christian? Yes. I think these things every day and it doesn't matter how hard I try to not care I still feel that way. I always felt like I was going to hell for everything I did growing up and always thought that I have to do enough and win God's love so I can go to Heaven. Hey but you know what I found out, it's not like that at all. As a matter of fact I don't have to win his love, because he loves me soo much. I mean really honestly he loves me, love imaginable and so forgiving. Its amazing because for once in my life I have seen that I can't work my way into Heaven, that its not anything I do. It's not about me, Its because of what he did. I am starting to realize that Christianity is not about dodging hell. Its about his love and grace, and what he did on the cross that day for Me!!

This song really just says it all.

Its really amazing and I just need to yield to the Spirit like Pastor JR said and realize that Grace happens. I really just want to be so in love with Jesus. So I guess this what I need to realize that Its not about me...Its about him.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why I am blogging??

"Mommy, Momma!!" That's usually what I hear from the moment I wake up in the morning till I go to bed at night. However I love to hear those names everyday but sometimes its like wow I need some mommy time, some me time. Yeah just some time to breath without thinking every ten seconds about cleaning this, doing this, making sure she isn't spilling Goldfish on the floor or walking around with 8 outfits on in the middle of the Summer. I love her, she is my little sunshine!!! I wouldn't trade her for the world!! But Sometimes you just go and go non stop every day being Mommy & Wife and every other time consuming thing and you realize heck I don't give myself anytime. So that's why I have decided to start blogging much more, I love writing and I have decided that will be my me time. I am a mommy, a wife, a sister, an aunt, a daughter, a granddaughter, a niece, and a friend; but you know what I am also Just Me. So yeah I think I will call my blog Just Me Mommy. Well that's all for now because I am wanting a snack and I need to get up for Freedom Church in the morning. I will return tomorrow : )

Friday, August 20, 2010

Operation Organized/Non Slacking Ashley!!

Well its been awhile since I last blogged, however I am determined to start blogging much much more!! Addison is now 2 years old and just talks all the time!! I mean its amazing the stuff she has learned and how much she is learning everyday.

I have her play room set up and it is soo cute!! Its amazing how many toys she has that she never touches. It makes me kinda sad because there are so many children that would go crazy over just one new toy. I am determined to go through her toys and not just give them to Good Will but find a program for less fortunate kids.

I am determined to be a better wife and mom!! I am cleaning like everyday and I really like having a clean house, lol. I am trying to figure how to be more organized and get Addison on a real schedule!! Its just so hard but I think we are getting into one a little bit more : )!!I really have to start working on Potty Training like ASAP because I feel like I am being such a slacker. I know she just turned 2 but I really would love it if she was potty trained before Christmas!!

I haven't been going to church as much because of vacation, I was sick and then of course Addison was sick!! Its really bothering me and I can't wait till Sunday!! I just need some closeness with God and I really just want to be in Praise and Worship. I feel like since I started going to Freedom that God has really opened my heart and allowed me to feel him for the first time in a very long time!! Its amazing!!

Well there is so much more I could just write and write but Addison is wanting to go read a book and go night night..so I guess I will say night night also !!