Well...Addison is about to turn 2 which is just crazy because I feel as if these past 2 years have went by so fast and I could barely even blink to see her grow. She is so funny and so smart, I love her so much. She is having a Dora Birthday Party which I am making purple backpack goodie bags with little googly eyes and a map that has googly eyes. It should be interesting because I am not whatsoever creative with things like that at all. Now with graphics I could make her 10,000 backpacks but we aren't doing graphics haha. It should be interesting, last year was a lot of fun so I think this should be a hit.
Justin and I are planning on going to Myrtle Beach this summer all by ourselves, in which will be amazing because we never had the chance to go on a honeymoon. We are talking about going Scuba Diving which should be interesting because I have to take classes and freshen up on swimming underwater before we even attempt this amazing feat!! We are also discussing going parasailing which should be very interesting. I have never done any of these things so I am interested in how this will turn out. There should be a lot of great pictures and great times so I can't wait!!
Relay is also coming up which I am very excited for!! I loved Relay for Life last year and It really gave me a different perspective on a lot of things. This year the themes are reflecting Relay across USA so we decided to pick Kansas-Somewhere over the Rainbow/Wizard of OZ which will be so much fun!! I really need to get myself together after Addison's birthday party and get a place to do a Car Wash Fundraiser at. I am looking so forward to Relay with all of my wonderful friends and getting to help raise awareness and make impact in the Fight Against Cancer.