Well hello everyone, Yes this would def. be my first blogging experience. I have seen other people do it and thought hey why not. I love writing and miss writing blogs on Myspace. Even though I can say that Facebook is much better and I would never go back. I love being able to let everyone have a little glimpse of Addison's life on more of a personal point so this is perfect! I probably wont be very good at this but eh that's okay, just bare with me.
Addison is right now standing beside me wanting me to open a cup that I definitely cannot get open. She is screaming at me and just pitching the worst fit. She just doesn't understand that she has another cup already and that one is better. Its amazing when children want something right then and there the fits they will pitch. I love my Addison more then life itself however she is definitely an impatient one. It kind of reminds me of when we as children of God whine and complain because we cant have something right then. God is always there and he knows exactly what we need and when we need it. My husband Justin and I tried buying a house a couple of years back but God knew that it wasn't the right time for us. However I was very disappointed and just could not understand why we couldn't have such an awesome house. I was so upset with God however he knew exactly what he was doing because just a few months later I ended up with about 13 kidney stones and was out of work for a while. God knew that we couldn't do it and he knew my future and what would happen. It may be hard to understand in the beginning what God is doing and hard to wait on him and be patient but if you just pray and seek God, he will in return hear your cry. God always knows even if we as his children want something so bad and are so impatient.
I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry Psalm 40: 1
Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. James 1: 3
God always knows. I was with someone for 3 years and used to pray ask God why I couldnt get pregnant even though I was so young and silly for praying such a prayer. God knew that he was waiting to give me the most beautiful gift of all. He knew that the person I was with just wasn't the right person. He knew that I would be with Justin one day and we would create the most beautiful creature of all. I went through so much while I was pregnant thinking that I may give birth at 22 weeks is not fun at all. I prayed and asked God why he would get my hopes up by letting me be pregnant but give me the possibility of losing her. I already loved her so much and prayed for her everyday. However God knew what was up, as Pastor Pete Smith says God always knows whats up!! Then one amazing morning he gave me my most prized possession ever on June 2nd 2008. She was born 38 weeks and 4 days and was not born early at all. He gave my beautiful daughter Addison Grace. She is the most amazing sweetest person I have ever met. I hope that I can raise her to grow up to be a woman of God and a woman of Strength. She is an amazement every day and teaches me to be more patient and love God more every day. She shows me how amazing things are when you first discover them and how beautiful outdoors can be and just a simple laugh or smile from her makes my day. I love her and cant thank My Lord enough for her!!
Its amazing what happens when we just put everything in God's hands and trust in him.
I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry Psalm 40: 1
Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. James 1: 3
God always knows. I was with someone for 3 years and used to pray ask God why I couldnt get pregnant even though I was so young and silly for praying such a prayer. God knew that he was waiting to give me the most beautiful gift of all. He knew that the person I was with just wasn't the right person. He knew that I would be with Justin one day and we would create the most beautiful creature of all. I went through so much while I was pregnant thinking that I may give birth at 22 weeks is not fun at all. I prayed and asked God why he would get my hopes up by letting me be pregnant but give me the possibility of losing her. I already loved her so much and prayed for her everyday. However God knew what was up, as Pastor Pete Smith says God always knows whats up!! Then one amazing morning he gave me my most prized possession ever on June 2nd 2008. She was born 38 weeks and 4 days and was not born early at all. He gave my beautiful daughter Addison Grace. She is the most amazing sweetest person I have ever met. I hope that I can raise her to grow up to be a woman of God and a woman of Strength. She is an amazement every day and teaches me to be more patient and love God more every day. She shows me how amazing things are when you first discover them and how beautiful outdoors can be and just a simple laugh or smile from her makes my day. I love her and cant thank My Lord enough for her!!
Its amazing what happens when we just put everything in God's hands and trust in him.